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Train Your Puppy the Right Way....ONCE!
This simple, easy to follow video lesson shows you step by step how to get your puppy or dog to stop jumping up! PuppySmarts believes jumping can be a very dangerous behavior, especially for a large breed dog. A jumping puppy or dog can knock a person down or scratch skin with their sharp nails. Jumping can even result in accidental bites to the face.
You'll be amazed with this puppy training video at how we easily transform a 12 month old large breed puppy from almost knocking down a 220lb man into a well mannered young lady who practices self-control, even when highly excited. It's so easy, you're children can train the family puppy....we guarantee it!
If you're thinking about giving your puppy to a shelter or returning your puppy to the breeder...STOP and Order this Video Now! Puppy training should be simple and harmless for the puppy and its owner. PuppySmarts will show you how...Order Now!
The only thing you've got to lose is your best friend.
DVD only
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